Etiqueta: David Hockney
David Hockney – CAMARA WORKS
David Hockney / CAMARA WORKS David Hockney is a great painter,but he has also known fame through photography, although he does not mince his words when he says ‘Photography will never equal painting!’ Perhaps this is the wrong argument as they are different media and needn’t be compared. However he does make judgemental comments about…
Hockney, David : Secret Knowledge / Conocimiento Secreto
«El redescubrimiento de las técnicas perdidas de los grandes maestros» Dice Hockney en el libro: «Cuando salí de la exposición “El genio de Roma” de la Royal Academy en enero de 2001, en la calle me paró un estudiante del Royal Academy Schools. Me preguntó si iba a dar una charla en las escuelas. Le…