Fuente: Jesus Olivan ( Blog)
Claves:  *  interesante, **Muy interesante  *** excepcionalmente interesante ! 

Marina Abramović

Rythm 10 (seen in April 2011) – Seven easy pieces (seen in March 2011) – What is Performance Art? (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011)

Michael Andrews


A profile of Michael Andrews (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) in 7 parts the first one can be seen here the others can be followed from there.

Alberto Burri

Alberto Burri (seen in February 2011) working on plastic can be seen here

Paul Cezanne


A travel to the landscape Cezanne knew (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here«Cezanne en Provence» a documentary on Cezanne (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here«L’atelier de Cezanne»  (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Chuck Close


Chuck Close at work (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereArtist studio (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereChuck Close interview (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Salvador Dali


Dali painting a rhinoceros (no language, seen in February 2011) can be seen here
Dali painting (Spanish, subtitles in French, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereDali and Gala performance (English, subtitles in English, seen in February 2011) can be seen here
Dali explaining his Venus de Milo (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here«Destino» (no language, seen in February 2011) cooperation Disney Dali can be seen here **A biography (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011)  including images and video can be seen here
Denise Glaser interview (French, no subtitle, seen in February 2011)  speaking about Cezanne, Meissonier …  can be seen here *

Mike Wallace interview(English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) speaking about genius, Science on his paintings, death, monarchy, Gala… (seen in February 2007) can be seen here *Soler Serrano  in depth interview (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011). In 8 parts the first can be seen here the others can be followed from there. **A summary of his life (English, some subtitles in English, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereThe last public appearance (Spanish with subtitles, seen in February2011) can be seen  here *!

Marcel Duchamp


«Jeu d’échecs avec Marcel Duchamp» an in depth interview  (French, subtitles in English, seen in February 2011) can be seen here **The secret of Marcel Duchamp (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereDuchamp breaking glasses a part of «Dadascope» (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen  hereDuchamp interviews (English and French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

«Marcel Duchamp in his own words» (French and English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) in 3 parts the first can be seen here the others can be followed from there.

Sam Francis


Sam Francis painting in his studio in Venice (seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Helen Frankenthaler (biographywork)

Helen Frankhentaler painting (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Alberto Giacometti (biographywork)

A documentary on Giacometti (Frenc, subtitles in German, seen in February 2011) in 7 parts the first can be seen here the others can be followed from there **Giacometti speaking about surrealisme his stage in Montparnasse (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here


Ein portrait (German, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Arshile Gorki (biographywork)

Arshile Gorki my grandfather (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) containing some images in Gorki painting can be seen here

Philip Guston (biographywork)

Guston in his own words (English, subtitles in English, seen in April 2011) can be seen hereGuston at work (English, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) can be seen here

David Hockney (biographywork)

Hockney in his studio talking about what is unphotographeable (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here


Painting with light (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) in 5 parts the first can be seen here, the others can be followed from there
Hockney answering some questions (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here


A short video on viewpoint of paintings (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen hereHockney painting a landscape (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here


Some slideshows of Hockney’s work in his own page can be seen here

Hans Hoffman (biographywork)

Hans Hoffman teaching (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Vassily Kandinsky (biographywork)

Kandinsky painting (German, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Lee Krasner (biographywork)

Lee Krasner interview (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereOther Lee Krasner interview (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen herePollock Krasner house (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here (see also this web site)

Yoyai Kusama (biographywork)

A documentary (English, no subtitles, seen in May 2011) where she appears drawing can be seen hereKusama’s self obliteration (seen in May 2011) can be seen hereKusama posing for Klaus Gingand (Japanese, subtitles in English, seen in May 2011) can be seen here

Roy Lichtenstein (biographywork)

A conversation about different issues (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here


A documentary on Lichtenstein (English, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) containig some short segments of Liechtenstein working can be seen here

Henri Matisse (biographywork)

Henri Matisse working (seen in February 2011) can be seen hereMatisse speaking about drawing and painting (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereAn essay on Matisse (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Joan Miro (biographywork)

Miro working explaining his work (French, subtitles in Spanish, seen in March 2011) can be seen here

Claude Monet (biography, work)

Claude Monet painting in Giverny (Sacha Guiltry’s film, Renoir and and Degas also appear) (only music, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Yoko Ono (biographywork)

Reading «grapefruit» (English, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) can be seen hereOno’s auto interview (English, subtitles in French, seen in April 2011) can be seen here !

Pablo Picasso (biography, work)

Pablo Picasso biography including testimonies, documents and images (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) in 9 parts the first part can be seen here the other parts can be followed from there.An extract of Clouzot’s film on Picasso (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here here here and herePicasso working (seen in February 2011) can be seen here and hereA documentary on Picasso in 1966 (Fench, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

An extract of an interview to Picasso (French, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Jackson Pollock (biographywork)

Pollock painting in the outside in Springs (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here (the same with subtitles in English) **Pollock painting (seen in February 2011) can be seen here


A documentary on Pollocks’s life (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereFrank Stella speaking about Pollock (English, subtitles in English, seen in February 2011) can be seen here.

Paula Rego (biographywork)

Tate channel Paula Rego on the fine art of printmaking (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011), can be seen hereAn interview in an exhibition of her work (Portuguese, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here

Diego Rivera (biographywork)

A documentary (Italian, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) where Diego appears working can be seen hereDiego Rivera spaking about art (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) can be seen hereDiego and Frida (seen in April 2011) can be seen here

Norman Rockwell (biographywork)

A documentary on his life and work (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) In 2 parts the first can be seen here the second can be followed from there  *

Mark Rothko (biographywork)

A short documentary on Rothko narrated by Harry Cooper (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here.
Rothko’s daughter speaking about Rothko’s work (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011). In 2 parts the first can be seen here the other can be followed from it.
A BBC documentary on Rothko (English, no subtitles)  in 7 parts the first can be seen here the others can be followed from it.

Yinka Shonibare (biographywork)

Thougths abot «Being an artist» (English, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) can be seen here


A documentary on Shonibare’s work, identity and authenticity (English, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) can be seen here.A discussion about the ideas underlying his work (English, no subtitles, seen in April 2011) can be seen here.

Stanley Spencer (biographywork)

Resurrecting Stanley (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) containing images and video of Stanley Spencer, Hilda, Cookham … in five parts the first can be seen here , the others can be followed from there  **A short documentary (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) showing some aspects of Spencer’s life can be seen here

Bill Viola (biographywork)

A lecture by Bill Viola (English, seen in February 2011) can be seen here
Viola’s work can be seen here.
Spanish Artists

Eduardo Arroyo (biographywork)

Arroyo commenting his work in relation with classic painting of Prado Museum (Spanish, no subitles, seen in March 2011) in three parts, the first can be seen here the others can be followed from there.


Arroyo speaking about his trajectory (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in March) can be seen here

Miquel Barceló (biographywork)

Barceló working (Spanish and English with Spanish subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen hereBarcelo working on the Palace of Nations (Spanish and subitles in Spanish, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen hereBarceló’s paso doble (seen in March 2011) can be seen here

Venancio Blanco (biographywork)

Venancio Blanco speaking about his work (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) and his Fundation can be seen here


Venancio Blanco at its atelier speaking in his work, biography and Castilla’s spirit (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Antonio Lopez (biographywork)

Comments on an exhibition in Boston (Spanish, no subititles, seen in February 2011) mainly speaking about his sculpture and painting  can be seen here


An interview (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) describing his ideas on art, living in Madrid.. . in two parts. The first part can be seen here. The second part can be followed from the first one.Antonio Lopez teaching (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen hereherehere and hereAntonio Lopez painting (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen herehere and hereEl sol de membrillo (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011). In my humble opinion the best film about drawing and painting ever made. A fantastic exhibition of knowledge. To be seen even if you can not follow it in Spanish. Divided in 13 parts can be seen from here ***!

Jorge Oteiza (biographywork)

Oteiza speaking about art (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here.Oteiza speaking about art, Arantzazu, the relation with landscape… (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here

Guillermo Perez Villalta (biographywork)

Perez Villalta describing the «movida» (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here
An interview (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) by the great Paloma Chamorro in «la edad de oro» can be seen here *

Antoni Tapies (biographywork)

Tapies speaking about art and painting (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011). In 3 parts, the first  can be seen here the others can be followed from there.

Manolo Valdés (biographywork)

An interview in his studio (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here
An interview commenting art in the street (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in March 2011) can be seen here

Joaquin Vaquero Turcios (biographywork)

Joaquin Vaquero interview (Spanish, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) on murals at Granda de Saline can be seen here

Fernando Zobel (biographywork)

A summary of his biography (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here


A discussion on Fernando Zobel (English, no subtitles, seen in February 2011) can be seen here
Emerging, young or less knwn artists

As you see, this page tries to get some insight in the creative process of plastic attists. It is mainly dedicated to artist with a long trajectory. Some emerging or young artists explain the keys of their work very clearly and originally. I tried to include some of them here

Esther Achaerandio (biographyworks)

An interview (Spanish, subtitles in English, seen in April 2011) can be seen here; several of her videos can also be seen

Ignacio Chavarri (biographywork)

The Internet magazine Claves de Arte published a detailed interview about his recent work (Spanish, no subtitles seen in February 2011) that can be seen here

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