Fuente: http://www.factum-arte.com/eng/videos.asp
Un alucinante viaje dentro de las obras del maestro Piranesi gracias a los genios de Factum Arte.
Piranesi: Carceri d’invenzione from factum-arte on Vimeo.CONSERVATION
Piranesi: Carceri d’invenzione
One of the key elements of the exhibition Le Arti di Piranesi: architetto, incisore, antiquario, vedutista, designer is a 12 minute animation of Piranesi’s Carceri series made by Gregoire Dupond at Factum Arte specifically for the exhibition. This series of 16 visionary images, originally etched by Piranesi when in his late 20’s, shows the workings of his imagination, merging his architectural ambitions with his obsessive interest in antiquity. Watching Gregoire Dupond’s animation is literally like entering Piranesi’s mind. A CD containing both high resolution reproductions of the prints and the complete video will de released soon.