Etiqueta: Portraits

  • Tony Bevan

    Tony Bevan (b.1951) is one of Britain’s most distinctive figurative painters. Since the early 1980s he has been making images in acrylic and charcoal that extend the tradition of expressive figure-based painting associated with such older painters as Francis Bacon and Frank Auerbach. Bevan’s singular approach focuses in particular on the human head which is…

  • Alberto García-Alix

    Alberto García-Alix Acudimos a casa de Alberto García-Alix para hablar con él del pasado, del presente,del  futuro, de lo humano y de lo divino, de fotografía, de motos, de drogas y de R&R (y de paso nos echamos unas risas) días antes de que Francia le concediera la  insignia de Caballero de la Orden de…

  • Michal Chelbin

    Los retratos de la fotógrafa israelita Michal Chelbin de adolescentes prisioneros rusos y ucranianos dejan mella. Las materias primas, «expresiones sombrías yuxtapuestas con colores de alto contraste para crear una miseria escénica que provoca el deseo de mirar.» En cierto modo, las cárceles parecen ser una broma cruel. Los internos parecen seres inanimados y sin…

  • Avigdor Arikha

    Avigdor Arikha, pintor francoisraelí fallecido el 29 de abril de 2010 en París, un día después de cumplir los 81 años, era un maestro a la hora de inmortalizar escenas cotidianas de enigmática belleza. Los críticos de arte han resaltado que, pese a la luminosidad vital que domina sus cuadros, consiguió dotarles también de una…

  • Yan Pei-Ming

    Yan Pei-Ming (Chinese, b.1960) is a painter most known for his epic-sized portraits of Mao Zedong, finished with large expressive brushstrokes and sparse use of color. Born in Shanghai during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Yan took up painting as a hobby, later applying to the Shanghai Art and Design School, where he was rejected because of…

  • Ingar Krauss – Portraits

    With his black-and-white portraits of children and teenagers in Germany and Russia, Ingar Krauss reveals quietly intense moments of transformation and the emotional turmoil just below the surface of life’s thresholds. His young subjects seem to have knowledge and wisdom beyond their years. Despite the mask-like appearance each tries to project, their eyes, faces and…

  • Frans Hals – Eye to Eye with Rembrandt, Rubens and Titian In the Frans Hals Year 2013, key works by the artist will be shown amidst paintings by such famous predecessors and contemporaries as Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck and Jordaens in Frans Hals: Eye to Eye with Rembrandt, Rubens and Titian. This extraordinary confrontation of old masters is essential to the understanding of seventeenth-century art.…

  • Andrew Salgado PORTRAITS!

    Salgado’s practice is an evolving process exploring concepts of identity through assertive, gestural figurative paintings. Salgado’s practice (re)considers the tangibility and impermanence of the body, but also inwardly comments upon the fragility of self. Accordingly, Salgado exploits the purely physical properties of media to inform resonating themes within his work. In an effort to surpass…

  • Michael Hussar – Gothic Wonderland

    Driven by love, hate, sin, redemption and death, Michael Hussar’s oil paintings present the viewer with a contextual maturity that is both confrontational and evocative. Hussar describes his work as «a voyeuristic snapshot of perceived humanity, complete with freaks and fakery; a gothic wonderland illuminating the gray area between truths and lies.» Hussar’s attachment to…

  • Dan Witz. Hiperrealista

        Comenzó su carrera a finales de los 70 con artistas tan míticos como Basquiat o Haring, este nunca ha abandonado la calle. El resultado son obras al óleo figurativas hiperrealistas, tratados con maestría y transmitiendo  presión, agonía, dolor, gozo…  

  • Lucien Freud

    Lucian Freud es considerado uno de los máximos representantes de la corriente figurativa británica de la segunda mitad del siglo XX que ha dado en llamarse la Escuela de Londres. En sus retratos, centrados principalmente en las personas de su entorno próximo, Freud consigue desvelar la vulnerabilidad del cuerpo humano a través de la carnalidad…