Categoría: Fotógrafos
New York Public Library This week, the New York Public Library (NYPL) announced the release of over 180,000 public domain images available in high resolution. In conjunction, NYPL Labs launched a data visualization by Brian Foo that enables easy navigation of the Digital Collections objects, allowing users to hover over blocks of images organized by category, color, medium, and other filters. To increase public interaction with the…
Katerina Belkina (1974)
Font: Katerina Belkina & Karsten Meissner Birthplace: Samara (Russia) Birth year: 1974 Lives in: Berlin Works in: Berlin Website: Schools: Photo School Michael Musorin, Samara, 2002 Art Academy Petrov-Vodkin, Samara, 1993 Art School 1, Samara, 1989 Representing galleries: Galerie Lilja Zakirova (Nederland), Absolute Art Gallery (Belgium), Duncan Miller Gallery (USA), FOTOLOFT GALLERY (Moscow) Statement Katerina…
Peter Lippmann (1956)
Fuente: Peter Lippmann is an American-born photographer who has worked in Paris for the past twenty-five years. Lippmann specializes in still life, advertising, magazine work, food, and trompe l’oeil. His clients include Marie Claire, Cartier Art Magazine, NY Times Magazine, The Sunday Times, Le Figaro, Cartier, Audemars Piguet, Fürterer, SFR, SNCF, Christian Louboutin and many…
Annie Leibovitz (1949)
La fotógrafa estadounidense Annie Leibovitz (Connecticut, 1949), quien consiguió que John Lennon apareciera desnudo, en posición fetal junto a Yoko Ono, horas antes de ser asesinado, ha ganado hoy el premio Príncipe de Asturias de Comunicación y Humanidades. Considerada como la fotógrafa viva más importante del momento y la mejor pagada, a lo largo de su carrera ha…
Joel-Peter Witkin (Nueva York, 1939)
Joel-Peter Witkin (nacido el 13 de septiembre de 1939 en Brooklyn, Nueva York) es un fotógrafo estadounidense. Nacido de padre judío y madre católica, sus padres se divorciaron cuando era joven debido a sus irreconcialiables diferencias religiosas. Tiene un hermano gemelo llamado Jerome Witkin, que es pintor. Trabajó como fotógrafo de guerra entre 1961 y 1964 en la Guerra de Vietnam. En 1967 decidió trabajar como fotógrafo freelance y se convirtió en el…
Jimmy Nelson (Kent, 1967)
Fuente: Jimmy Nelson (Sevenoaks, Kent, 1967) started working as a photographer in 1987. Having spent 10 years at a Jesuit boarding school in the North of England, he set off on his own to traverse the length of Tibet on foot. The journey lasted a year and upon his return his unique visual diary, featuring…
David LaChapelle is well known for his career as a contemporary photographer, fine art enthusiast and also, for his involvement with video. After initially gaining his social reputation and position within the artistic community, LaChapelle’s work became noticed by huge artistic figures. Andy Warhol spotted his artistic creations and offered him his first job, at Interview…
Gilbert & George
Es difícil encontrar una pareja tan bien avenida. Ni en el matrimonio ni en el mundo del arte. Gilbert & George han desarrollado una simbiosis absolutamente perfecta a lo largo de los años. Parecen un cuerpo duplicado, diversificado, pero, sin embargo, cronometrado a la perfección. Mimetizan los gestos, las posturas, las miradas, los comentarios. No…
Aline Smithson
Interview with Aline Smithson Fabiano Busdraghi: After working as a fashion editor with many master photographers, you become a successful photographer and artist. Today you are also the editor of Lenscratch, one of the most important photography blogs in the world, as well as a portfolio reviewer and curator for several magazines and galleries. Finally,…
Rineke Dijkstra
Rineke Dijkstra Guggenheim June 29–October 8, 2012 Since the early 1990s, Rineke Dijkstra has produced a complex body of photographic and video work, offering a contemporary take on the genre of portraiture. Her large-scale color photographs of young, typically adolescent subjects recall 17th-century Dutch painting in their scale and visual acuity. The minimal contextual details…
Miwa Yanagi
Nacida en Kobe en 1967, Miwa Yanagi es una de las más destacadas artistas trabajando en el campo de la fotografí a y del video hoy en dí a. Su temática gira en torno al papel que desempeña la mujer en la sociedad. Sus tempranas series “Elevator Girl” representan esa ocupación tan única y exclusivamente…
August Sander
German photographer. After seven years as a miner and a period of national service, he studied painting in Dresden from 1901 to 1902, which allowed him to approach photography artistically. He had developed an interest in photography through work in photographic firms in Berlin, Magdeburg, Halle and Dresden from 1898 to 1899. In 1901 he…
Alberto García-Alix
Alberto García-Alix Acudimos a casa de Alberto García-Alix para hablar con él del pasado, del presente,del futuro, de lo humano y de lo divino, de fotografía, de motos, de drogas y de R&R (y de paso nos echamos unas risas) días antes de que Francia le concediera la insignia de Caballero de la Orden de…
Helmut Newton – espíritu Erótico del S. XX
Helmut Newton – Espíritu erótico del Siglo XX Hay quien considera a Helmut Newton el mejor fotógrafo de la historia, y el escritor J.G. Ballard le llamó “el mayor artista visual del mundo”. Frases tan contundentes están abiertas a debate, pero lo que es indudable es que fue el fotógrafo que mejor supo cristalizar las fantasías eróticas del siglo…
David Hockney – CAMARA WORKS
David Hockney / CAMARA WORKS David Hockney is a great painter,but he has also known fame through photography, although he does not mince his words when he says ‘Photography will never equal painting!’ Perhaps this is the wrong argument as they are different media and needn’t be compared. However he does make judgemental comments about…
Michal Chelbin
Los retratos de la fotógrafa israelita Michal Chelbin de adolescentes prisioneros rusos y ucranianos dejan mella. Las materias primas, «expresiones sombrías yuxtapuestas con colores de alto contraste para crear una miseria escénica que provoca el deseo de mirar.» En cierto modo, las cárceles parecen ser una broma cruel. Los internos parecen seres inanimados y sin…
Mark Laita – Created Equal
Detroit-born photographer Mark Laita questions what it is in life that puts people, who were born equal, to follow completely different paths. His album Created Equal is a a study of social and cultural clashes, as well as the influence of different background, schooling and upbringing. All diptychs in the book compare two people, who have some kind…
Vee Speers
«I don’t like to follow the crowd. I like to seduce, with images that are at once disturbing and beautiful, but leaving a space for the viewer to enter my world. My portraits combine elements which evoke conflicting emotions that can surprise the viewer, telling a story that is somewhere between fantasy and reality, the obvious…
Ingar Krauss – Portraits
With his black-and-white portraits of children and teenagers in Germany and Russia, Ingar Krauss reveals quietly intense moments of transformation and the emotional turmoil just below the surface of life’s thresholds. His young subjects seem to have knowledge and wisdom beyond their years. Despite the mask-like appearance each tries to project, their eyes, faces and…
Axel Hutte – Naturaleza Sublime
La obra de Axel Hütte se enmarca dentro de una tradición de fotógrafos alemanes herederos directos de la estética conceptual y las enseñanzas de Bernd y Hilla Becher, que, en la década de los ochenta, readaptarán el proyecto originario de la Nueva Objetividad para adoptar una singular manera de enfrentarse al mundo. Al igual que…
Robert Mapplethorpe
El desnudo masculino alcanzó con Robert Mapplethorpe (Nueva York, 1946-Boston, 1989) unas cotas de belleza que muchos equiparan a la perfección de los escultores griegos. Negros o blancos, total o parcialmente retratados, sus modelos desprenden una elegancia minimalista difícil de capturar con la cámara. Famoso en todo el mundo desde la década de los 60…
Michael O´Brien – Hard Ground
Michael O’Brien got out of his car one day in 1975 and sought the acquaintance of a man named John Madden who lived under an overpass. Their initial contact grew into a friendship that O’Brien chronicled for the Miami News, where he began his career as a staff photographer. O’Brien’s photo essays conveyed empathy…
Tras más de cuarenta años dedicado a la imagen fija, el fotógrafo es conocido, sobre todo, por sus japonesas atadas y desnudas o con los vestidos tradicionales, y por las escenas de sexo explícito de las que él participa. Para algunos movimientos feministas, Araki no es más que un pornógrafo misógino. En el otro extremo…
Hendrik Kerstens (1956) Press Release Hendrik Kerstens in Danziger Gallery January 10 – February 16, 2013 Born in the Hague in 1956, Hendrik Kerstens has for the last 17 years been producing an ongoing body of work that explores some of the many intersections between painting and photography. Using his daughter Paula as his only subject,…
Lee Jeffries, fotografías
Para variar un poco, otro grande de la fotografía contemporánea: