Categoría: Aglutinantes
Catálogo de Liquitex Liquitex is a brand of artist materials, focusing exclusively on the development, manufacture, and distribution of acrylic paints. In 1955, the company known as Permanent Pigments, founded by Henry Levinson, created the first water-based acrylic paint, along with the first acrylic gesso. At this time, Levinson reorganized the company as Liquitex. In 1956, the…
La Técnica pictórica de Rembrandt
Fuente: “ Rembrandt, materiales, método y procedimientos del arte” por David Bomford, Christopher Brown, Ashok Roy Es muy raro encontrar tratados de pintura de caballete que presten la debida atención a la técnica de un maestro como Rembrandt. Generalmente ésta es descrita escuetamente con una palabra como «óleo» o «temple». En un intento de ofrecer…
TEACHING LETTER, Prof. Th. de Beer (Old Holland)
TEACHING LETTER 1 September 21, 1993 PIGMENTS Before starting to write about brushes, canvas, paper, mediums or colours (paints) I start with the hart which is the pigment. By adding different liquids into the same pigment you obtain: watercolour-eggtempera-oilcolour-postercolour or gouache-polymercolour-alkydcolour-acryliccolour-soft pastel-oilpastel etc. The quality of the pigment and the quantity of cheap fillers on…